The EU Ecodesign Directive
The right to request spare-parts from manufacturers
According to EU legislation, manufacturers of some household appliances - such as your dishwasher, washing machine, fridge and TV - are obliged to make certain spare parts available to end-users (to you). For professional repairers, a broader range of spare parts must be made available.
For dishwashers for example, you have the right to request the following spare parts for approximately 10 years:
- door hinges and seals
- other seals
- spray arms
- drain filters
- interior racks
- plastic peripherals such as baskets and lids
You should receive your spare part within 15 days following your order.
For professional repairers, the list of spare parts that must be made available goes a bit further: motor, circulation and drain pump, heaters and heating elements, including heat pumps, piping and related equipment including all hoses, valves, filters and aquastops, structural and interior parts related to door assemblies (separately or bundled), printed circuit boards, electronic displays, pressure switches, thermostats and sensors, software and firmware including reset software.
Similarly, manufacturers are obliged to provide you with clear instructions regarding the maintenance of your appliances, be it in the form of a user manual or on a free access website. If you are a professional repairer, then the manufacturer has to provide you with access to the appliance repair and maintenance information (after a period of two years after the placing on the market of the first unit of a model).
Now that you know what your rights are, do not hesitate to request and or look for your spare parts and repair and maintenance information!
Source of this information
The information shared in this article is based on the information shared by the EU, edited by Repair & Share. For the original information, please check